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Below you'll find some useful commands to get started if you want to contribute to the framework itself. Note that we use poetry for project and dependency management.

Project setup

  1. Install poetry
  2. Install project dependencies by running poetry install

Running the cfmtoolbox

After installing the project and its dependencies, you can run the development version of the CFM Toolbox using the following command:

poetry run cfmtoolbox

Formatting linting

We use ruff for code formatting and linting, and mypy for static type checking.

You can format your code by running

poetry run ruff format .

To check for linting errors, run the following command:

poetry run ruff check .

For static type checking, run the following command:

poetry run mypy .

To automatically check the formatting, linting, and static type checking on every commit, you can install the pre-commit hooks:

poetry run pre-commit install


We use pytest for testing. To run the tests, use the following command:

poetry run pytest

A test coverage report will automatically be generated, displayed in the terminal, and exported as an interactive HTML report in the htmlcov directory.

Previewing the documentation

We use mkdocs to generate the documentation from markdown files and to deploy it to GitHub Pages. While working on the documentation, you can preview it locally by running the following command:

poetry run mkdocs serve